The Lighting of the Franklin Town Common is one of two annual family-friendly events celebrating the Holidays in Franklin, MA. (The other fun family event is the Franklin Holiday Stroll.)
Video of the Lighting of the Franklin Town Common
(The above video shows scenes from both the Lighting ceremony and the Franklin Holiday Stroll.)
Creating Holiday memories for the children
The gazebo the Franklin Town Common is the centerpiece of the action at the annual Lighting ceremony which kicks off the Holiday Season in Franklin.
Families gather on the Common as the afternoon light fades.
The children have fun amid colorful Holiday cutouts.
The Common becomes bright with lights; it’s a pretty sight as twilight turns into night.
Santa arrives by fire truck and meets the children on the gazebo.
The Lighting ceremony is an opportunity for parents to create some wonderful lifelong memories for their young children. The Holiday festivities in Franklin are just some of the many fun events and recreational opportunities that set this I-495 community apart and help make it such a wonderful place to live!