The Horace Mann Middle School is located at 224 Oak Street in Franklin, Massachusetts. Its main phone number is 508-541-6230.
The Mann Middle School shares its building and campus with the Oak Street Elementary School. The middle school and elementary classrooms are separate. The two schools share some common areas.
Mann Middle serves students who live in either the Oak Street and Kennedy elementary school districts. Homes in those respective elementary school districts are shown below. (Note that the display shows the newest listings first.)
Homes for sale in the Mann Middle School district
- Oak Street school district homes for sale
- Kennedy school district homes for sale
The above is a good faith attempt to depict all the single-family homes currently available in the Mann Middle school district. The above depiction is subject to error and omission. Viewers are strongly advised to independently confirm with the Franklin public school system the school district in which any particular home is located.
Start to learn about the Horace Mann Middle School
A very useful resource to review early in your research into the school is the Horace Mann school website.
The website gives a comprehensive overview of the Horace Mann Middle School. You can download the handbook for parents, access school bus routes and get a very good sense of how the school approaches the education of its students.
School Report Card
If you’d like to view information about demographics and standardized test scores at the school, access the School Report Card for the Horace Mann Middle School published by the MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education:
School reviews
Follow the hotlinks in the images below to see the evaluations of the Mann Middle School published by school rating websites:
Images of the Mann Middle School
The gallery below shows interior views of the school.